
Summer Grove United Methodist Church is a faithful congregation seeking to make disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world. 


Summer Grove UMC is about embracing our neighbors in grace and love! Walking through the doors of a church can be scary and challenging. This community seeks to make that courageous step as easy as possible all. Welcome to a community who cares about loving our neighbors as ourselves!


Walking in the doors of the church is the first step! At Summer Grove UMC, worship, small groups, youth activities, children's activities, and other ministries offer opportunities for growing in discipleship. As important as it is to know Christ, the journey only begins there! Continue to deepen your discipleship with those who will love you into being the best person you can be. 



Inside and outside the walls of the church, serving others is a hallmark of who we are as followers of Christ. Come to know the immense joy that it is to give of yourself through teaching, singing, participating in mission projects, and mission trips. Jesus himself said, "the one who is greatest among you will be your servant."